All abstracts must be submitted electronically. We do not accept submissions via mail or fax.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words within the “abstract text” section of the submission form.
Please be advised that all accepted abstracts are considered public information. By submitting an abstract you agree to license AAGB and ICRISAT to post the abstract on the conference website and print it in hard/soft copy of the program booklet.
Speaking time is TBD and will be strictly enforced.
Powerpoint presentations should be prepared in 16:9 format.
Powerpoint presentations must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance of the talk to Anjaiah B. at and copied to on a memory stick/flash drive.
ALL poster presenters (in-person and remote) will have the option to submit a pdf of their actual poster. The poster will be shared with registered attendees via a private website link.
The email address provided at the time of submission will be included with the abstract in the program booklet. Remote presenters, please be prepared to field questions asked by attendees via this email.
Posters should be prepared in format with dimensions in inches (30 inches wide x 40 inches height).
Per the AAGB code of ethics, the presentation of research findings is a major factor in the conference's success. To maintain conference integrity and participation, we stress that information presented here should be treated as preliminary work and out of respect for the authors, should only be used with the authors’ permission. Recording any presentation or session (oral or poster) by any means (photography, audio taping, and videotaping) is prohibited except by an AAGB or ICRISAT authorized agent for official purposes as outlined in the photo/video release form or by first authors who wish to photograph their own poster presentations.